DUI/DWI Statistics
During the past decade thousands of lives have been lost and more than 50,000 people have sustained injuries in collisions involving an impaired driver. In 2011 there has been an increase in the number of drinking and driving offences since 2010, as though many people still aren’t getting the message.
According to the Ontario Provincial Police, during the 2011-2012 Final Festive R.I.D.E. program from November 25th 2011-January 1st 2012 the following stats were found:
# | Region | Persons Issued with suspensions through GTA | Persons Charged with Impaired, over 80 or refusal(3 day) |
1 | Central | 126 | 155 |
2 | North West | 10 | 47 |
3 | East | 89 | 107 |
4 | Northeast | 41 | 50 |
5 | DSD-Toronto | 149 | 151 |
6 | West | 136 | 142 |
Total | 551 | 652 |
- The number of drunk drivers in Durham far exceeds totals reported in similar jurisdictions
- Every Year, about 17,000 drivers are convicted of Criminal Code of Canada offences (including impaired driving, with blood alcohol concentration of more than 0.08, criminal negligence causing bodily harm or death, manslaughter, dangerous driving and failure to remain at the scene of a collision)
- The largest increase was in Prince Edward Island
- 87% of the young fatally injured drinking and drivers and 89% of the seriously injured drinking drivers
- Brunswick was the only province that had a substantial decrease, down 11%
- Drunk driving accounts for almost 30% of all fatalities on Ontario’s roads
- A large percentage of young drivers die or are seriously injured on the weekend from impaired driving.
- The vast majority of young drivers die or are seriously injured in crashes at night
- Young drinking drivers are most likely to be killed or injured in the summer (32.4% and 40.8%), and least most likely to be killed in the winter (8.0% and 11.4%)
- Just under 4 Canadians are killed and 190 are injured every day in alcohol and drug related crashes
- Impaired driving crashes are 100% preventable
- Impaired driving is the single leading criminal cause of death in Canada.